How to Make an Organic Matcha Latte

So, you have been thinking about upping your tea game and want to know a little more about matcha tea! Let me give you a quick rundown on what matcha tea is, some key differences between matcha and regular green tea and how to make an organic matcha latte.

Matcha and green tea come from the same plant however, some notable differences in the preparation process make matcha a better choice. During the matcha tea preparation process the entire leaf is used therefore, increasing the level of antioxidants and caffeine. Hands up for more caffeine! Ok I am not going to lie, I am kind of excited about the increased antioxidants in matcha as well and you should be too! Antioxidants help protect our cells from free radical damage making matcha beneficial to consume as a regular part of your diet.

Another difference between regular green tea and matcha is that 3-4 weeks prior to harvest, matcha farmers cover the tea plants blocking them from sunlight. Shading the plants yields more chlorophyll, creates amino acids and produces darker green leaves. The tea leaves are then hand-picked, dried out and ground up into a thin powder.

In Japanese culture, matcha is prepared by using a bamboo whisk to mix the powder with hot water in a chawan (traditional East Asian tea ceremony bowl.) Organic matcha is a non-traditional in Japanese culture however, organic brands can still be found.  It is important to look for a USDA Organic Certified label when purchasing matcha in order to avoid the adverse health risks of pesticide use. I use aprikalife Organic Japanese Matcha Green Tea

Now that you know a bit about matcha tea and where to find a quality organic brand, it is time to learn how to make an organic matcha latte:

Organic Matcha Latte

Easy to make Organic Matcha Latte

Prep Time 3 minutes
Servings 1


  • 1 tbsp Warm water
  • 1 tsp Organic Honey
  • 3/4 cup Organic Almond Mylk (or Mylk of choice)
  • 1 tsp Organic Matcha Powder


  1. Add organic matcha to a small bowl or chawan

  2. Add hot water (not boiling)

  3. Whisk the matcha and water together into a paste using a zigzag motion. Using a bamboo whisk will yield the best results.

  4. Add honey and whisk lightly

  5. Froth mylk in a separate frothing glass and add to the matcha mix.

  6. Enjoy! (Add sugar if you prefer a sweeter taste.)

SHOP: Organic Japanese Matcha + Tools

